Launch of the “Safe Domain III” operation

Launch of the “Safe Domain III” operation

On Monday, 5 August 2024, the launch of the operation “Safe Domain III”, for the Multinational Maritime Coordination Centre (MMC) in the ECOWAS area covering Togo, Nigeria and Benin, was held in Cotonou. The YARIS system is one of the platforms selected by the...
The YARIS Platform Helps Enhance Maritime Surveillance in Guinea

The YARIS Platform Helps Enhance Maritime Surveillance in Guinea

At the request of Guinea’s Maritime Prefecture, a training session on maritime surveillance and crisis management was coordinated by GoGIN and CRESMAC experts from 12 to 16 December 2022.  Training on crisis management The event was attended by 17 operational...
Training : Crisis response in Cape Verde

Training : Crisis response in Cape Verde

The GoGIN team organised a complete crisis management exercise in Cape Verde from 4 to 12 December 2019  in collaboration with the coast guard of Cape Verde. This first collaboration with the Cape Verde authorities enabled work with thirty participants from 8...