Angolan Navy Operations Centre is trained to use the YARIS platform

Angolan Navy Operations Centre is trained to use the YARIS platform

[Luanda, 22 October 2021] The Chief of Operations Directorate of the Angolan Navy (MGA), Vice Admiral MANUEL FERREIRA DE JESUS, chaired the closing ceremony of the advanced training programme of the YARIS (Yaoundé Architecture Regional Information System) platform in...
Transmission of piracy alerts in the Gulf of Guinea via #YARIS

Transmission of piracy alerts in the Gulf of Guinea via #YARIS

On 4 October, a anti-piracy exercise took place between the Beninese and French national Navies and the MDAT-GoG. The YARIS platform was used as a communications and information exchange tool between the different actors. The feedback from this exercise shows that the...
Maritime operators from Guinea trained on YARIS platform

Maritime operators from Guinea trained on YARIS platform

[Conakry, 4 juin 2021] Le Directeur de cabinet du Ministre de la Défense nationale a présidé la cérémonie de clôture de la formation avancée à l’utilisation de la plateforme YARIS (Yaoundé Architecture Regional Information System), à l’hôtel Noom le 4 juin à 10...
CRESMAO supported in its rise of power

CRESMAO supported in its rise of power

The CRESMAO (Regional Center for Maritime Security of West Africa) based in Abidjan is one of the two regional centers for maritime security defined by the architecture of Yaoundé; it is under the authority of ECOWAS (Economic Commission of West African States)....