GoGIN amid the Friends of Gulf of Guinea G7++

GoGIN amid the Friends of Gulf of Guinea G7++

The annual plenary meeting of the G7++ Friends of the Gulf of Guinea was held in Accra, Ghana on November 5-6 2019. Co-chaired by the deputy-Ministers of Defence of Ghana and France, this meeting gathered more than 200 representatives of 21 countries and 9 regional...
How naval forces can contribute to maritime stability and security?

How naval forces can contribute to maritime stability and security?

Bertrand Demez, GoGIN project coordinator, attended the 12th Regional Seapower Symposium, organised by the Italian Navy within the Venice arsenal from October 15th to 18th 2019.  The theme was: Navies beyond traditional roles: crewing efforts to project stability and...
GoGIN is invited to the maritime security conference in Nigeria

GoGIN is invited to the maritime security conference in Nigeria

The 2019 GMSC (Global Maritime Security Conference) took place from the 7 to 9 October 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria. Close to 80 countries and organisations participated in this international conference on maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea organised by the Federal...
Nigeria hosts the global maritime security conference

Nigeria hosts the global maritime security conference

The maritime domain of the Gulf of Guinea is of major geostrategic, economic and social importance. The insecurity is still very strong and endangers the economies and societies of the region. With this in mind, the Nigerian authorities have decided to organize a...
The G7++ Friends of the Gulf of Guinea Group met in Brussels

The G7++ Friends of the Gulf of Guinea Group met in Brussels

The G7++ Friends of the Gulf of Guinea Group (FoGG) met on Tuesday, 2 July in Brussels, co-chaired by France and Ghana with the support of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission. Read the full article published by DGRIS (French...
GoGIN at the G7++ FOGG in Brussels

GoGIN at the G7++ FOGG in Brussels

Co-chaired in 2019 by France and Ghana, the G7 ++ (Friends of the Gulf of Guinea) met in Brussels on July 2, in a technical body to prepare for its plenary session in November. On this occasion, the organizing countries of the meeting had broadened the traditional...
G7++ Group of Friends of the Gulf of Guinea meets in Brussels

G7++ Group of Friends of the Gulf of Guinea meets in Brussels

France and Ghana, with the support of the European Commission and the European External Action Service, are organizing a technical meeting on 2 July in the framework of the G7 ++ Group of Friends of the Gulf of Guinea. Press release Ministry of Army, 27 June 2019 G7++...
Senegal welcomes the GoGIN advisory committee

Senegal welcomes the GoGIN advisory committee

The GoGIN Project Advisory Committee (GPAC) met in Dakar on 9-10 April 2019. More than 70 participants representing the maritime centres of the 19 coastal countries of ECOWAS, ECCAS and CGG, shared progress and discussed priorities for the next two years of the GoGIN...
Consulting mission with Interregional Coordination Centre

Consulting mission with Interregional Coordination Centre

As part of the continuation of the consulting mission carried out in January 2019, a joint mission of the French Ministry of Army (CECLANT Operations) and GoGIN (Yvonnick Lanoë) was conducted from March 25 to April 1, 2019 at the ICC (Interregional Coordination...