Fight against IUU fishing workshop in Congo

Fight against IUU fishing workshop in Congo

From 20 to 23 May 2019, GoGIN and CRESMAC, in collaboration with the Regional Commission for Fisheries of the Gulf of Guinea (COREP) and the NGOs Renatura and WCS, organized a workshop in Pointe-Noire on the fight against illegal, unreported, unregulated fishing (IUU...
Consulting mission with Interregional Coordination Centre

Consulting mission with Interregional Coordination Centre

As part of the continuation of the consulting mission carried out in January 2019, a joint mission of the French Ministry of Army (CECLANT Operations) and GoGIN (Yvonnick Lanoë) was conducted from March 25 to April 1, 2019 at the ICC (Interregional Coordination...