In this exciting installment, Sam Megwa, the Strategic Director of the GOGIN II EU-funded initiative responsible for the development of hashtag YARIS in collaboration with the Yaoundé Architecture, provides insightful and tangible examples illustrating how the YARIS platform significantly enhances Maritime Domain Awareness.
He elaborates on its vital role in addressing pressing maritime threats, such as illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing hashtag IUU, illicit trafficking, and the alarming issue of maritime pollution.
Furthermore, Sam discusses the ongoing efforts to transfer the ownership and operational control of the YARIS system to the Gulf of Guinea region, ensuring local stakeholders can effectively manage and utilize this crucial resource. hashtag handover
We extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. Ifesinachi O. for this opportunity to share these insights about YARIS as we are preparing the launch of the newest version hashtag YARIS2